if you think about it this is the end, the end of a year, but it is also a new beginning...this question du jour is a two parter that has to do with the new year and the old one...
1) Did you accomplish any of the resolutions you set for this past year??(if you feel comfortable sharing please do)2) What is one resolution you have set for this coming year?? (if you don't feel comfortable sharing, then don't)

I didn't have any resolutions for last year.. I found them to be rather retarted... until this year... My resolution for the year is to do my devo's everyday.. Not skip alot of the days like i have..
i accomplished a lot in the past year....so much that i would take over the blog if i posted.this may have been one of my best year's yet w/2007 shaping up to be even better.
i am not one for resolutions but i have two and am going to try to do this for the first time ever.
pray for me.
the # of baptisms are my biggest inspiration from the past 365 days....not that they were dunked inasmuch people made a conscious decision to dedicate their lives to and follow God. that was inspiring.
i'm not a big fan of resolutions -- I usually just pray at the beginning of the year I god's will reigns in my life.
I think somebody else needs an update...
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